Most of the members of the forums know that RAW’s nefarious activities in subcontinent in general and in Bangladesh in particular has become menacing.Many of You might be knowing that journalist and researcher Mohammad Zainal Abedin has written a revealing book:”RAW and Bangladesh”. Two Pakistani writers have highly spoke of this book:
“RAW AND BANGLADESH” By Zainal Abedin Published by :Fatema shahab
7. Fakirapool,Inner Circular Road Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh, First Edition: November, 1995
Cover Design : Zobayer Alam
Dedicated To Those Fighters Who Shall Protect Our Independence, Sovereignty And
Religious Identity From Generation To Generation. Printing:Madina Printers.
38/2. Banglabazar Dhaka-llOO. Bangladesh. Distributor: Madina Publications 38/2, Banglabazar Dhaka-I 100. Bangladesh All Rights Reserved by the Author Price: Taka-125 US $ -5
The eventful days of 1971 remain ever fresh in my memory despite the passage of long 25 years. As I ponder over the events, one particular incident chastises me the most. It happened during April 1971. Although the operation of Pakistan Army had started in Dhaka on the night of 25 March but my home district Noakhali was still out of its purview. I, along with some other leaders was busy in organising resistance forces in our area. Volunteers from far off villages and shoals had assembled in large numbers in the district headquarters. They carried assortment of weapons, some even carried bamboo sticks, spears, arrows, javelins etc. They were determined to fight for realization of the just rights of the Bengalis.
I, as a student leader had played significant role in popularising 6- points in my area. I had many admirers and political supporters. My most staunch supporter and admirer was a neighbour. He was a middle-aged, ‘mature and sober person. He had stood by m)’! during difficult days of Ayub regime. In fact, without his assistance and support, it would not have been possible for me to become a front rank student leader.
I had immense respect and regard for him. I was thrilled when I spotted him in the make shift camp set up for the resistance forces. I greeted him warmly. But he remained cold and unmoved. His eyes were dazed and he seemed lost. I thought that he was concerned about Pakistan Army’s imminent advance to our area and its consequences for us.He got hold of my hand and took me to a nearby restaurant. As we sipped tea, he started narrating the history of pre-1947 Bengal. He mentioned gory details of how the Hindus used to treat the Muslims and explained the reasons for creation of Pakistan. He said that struggling for one’s right is different from break up of the country. He stated that India would first weaken us by breaking our unity and then exploit us. He added that his life time experiences had told him that India would never be sincere to Muslims. With tears in his eyes and hands trembling with emotions he quipped, “Are you again going to make us the slaves of the Hindus?”.
I must admit that I did not give any serious thought to his urging. I was too young and emotional. Besides, I was so involved with my cause that I had little time or scope to think about future. In fact, had I not known his background, I would have dismissed him as a ‘ collaborator’ .
However, the said question now haunts me often. The realization of what lay in store for us had started soon after I crossed over to India where I was assigned to elite Mujib Bahini. The attitude of our Indian handlers and trainers indicated that they treated us (the Freedom Fighters) not as friends but as agents. However, the real Indian face lay bare after the surrender of Pakistani forces, when I saw the large scale loot and plunder by the Indian Army personnel.
The Indian soldiers appeared to be the modern edition of the Maratha Cavalry who is notorious in history for plundering Bengal during the middle age. The Indian soldiers swooped on everything they found and carried them away to India. Their haste for plunder made our people believe that they had been waiting for such I an opportunity for centuries and they were not ready to waste even a single moment when the cherished opportunity arrived. Indian soldiers imposed curfew on our towns, industrial bases, ports, cantonments, commercial centres and even residential areas to make the looting easier. They lifted every thing from ceiling fan to military equipment, utensils to water taps. Thousands of Army vehicles were used to carry looted goods to India.
History has recorded few such cruel and henious plunders. Such a large scale plunder could not have been possible without connivance of higher Indian authorities. Otherwise how could the soldiers have dared to commit such a pillage?It was evident from the conduct of the Indian Army that they treated Bangladesh as a colony. That was the time when the question asked by my neighbour seriously surfaced in my mind. Since then I have been pondering but am unable to give any definite answer. I only pray that history proves his .apprehensions wrong.Frequently I face question from some quarters how I write about Indian misdoings while I am myself a freedom fighter, who had got training, shelter and help from Indians during liberation war. My answer to them is that I do what a real freedom fighter ought to do. I cannot remain quiet about excesses committed against my motherland irrespective of who is the’ perpetrator of the excesses. If India had given a fair deal to Bangladesh,nobody would say anything against her. But India through her notorious deeds has proved time and again that she is not our friend but an arch roguish foe. India has posed a grave threat to our independence and sovereignty.
Thus the duty and responsibility of a genuine freedom fighter calls upon me to stand up to the enemy of Bangladesh in whatever manner I can.It is now evident that India had helped the creation of Bangladesh with the aim that it would be a step forward towards the reunification of India. Soon after creation of Bangladesh, India let loose all forces at her command to cripple the newly born country. Their aim was to precipitate its collapse and eventual merger with India to realize part of the Brahmanic dream about ‘Akhand Bharat’.
The most significant player of this henious game is India’s notorious intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing commonly known as RAW.Since its inception in 1968 RAW has been an unobtrusive instrument for achieving Indian foreign policy objectives. RAW had worked assiduously in the erstwhile East Pakistan and had succeeded in establishing an elaborate network of spies and subversive elements. After establishment of Bangladesh the said network was further expanded as there was no check or obstacle in her way in the new country. RAW has spread her tentacles in almost all spheres of Bangladesh. Its network is growing like a cancer.
However, except for occasional news and features in some newspapers, no detailed account of RAW’s activities has been documented. During 1994-95, I wrote a series of articles about RAW’s nefarious activities in Bangladesh in the Weekly Muslim Jahan. Having read the same a large number of my readers and friends goaded me to publish a comprehensive book on the subject. The result is in your hands in form of this book.
Here I would like to dispel the impression that RAW is an insurmountable or a super organisation. In fact, contrary to that it has stagnated into an unwieldy and sluggish organisation. Its strong point is its vast resources. But there is no reason to be over-awed by it. Certainly the RAW’s onslaught can be effectively countered as has been proved time and again by patriotic Bangladeshis.
Through this book I want to send a clear message to RAW in particular and Indian rulers in general that Bangladesh is not a country which will bend down in the face of their covert and overt intrigues. Let RAW and its toadies understand that the nation that achieved her independence through tears and blood will foil their designs. There will never be any compromise with the enemies. Therefore, intrigues RAW has been indulging in during the last quarter century must end. We may live in hardship and misery, yet we value our independence and sovereignty. Bangladesh may be a small and a weak country, yet it is our pride, our identity. We believe in Tipu Sultan’s dictum, ” One day life of a lion is better than hundred years life of a jackal”.
I may add that some well wishers had advised me due to concern for my security, not to antagonise RAW, a ruthless organisation. My answer to them was that as a true Muslim and patriot I cannot keep quiet when my motherland is being trampled. For me life is not more precious than the sanctity of my mother land. Moreover, I could have been killed in 1971 war. This life is a bonus. I am not afraid of sacrificing anything for my country.
The publication of this book could not have been possible without support and encouragement from the Editor of the Weekly Muslim Jahan, Mr. Mutafa Moinuddin Khan. I am also grateful to Moulana Mohiuddin Khan, a renowned intellectual, for his invaluable help and suggestions. Besides I am indebted to large number of my readers and friends who after reading series of my articles in the Weekly Muslim Jahan encouraged and persuaded me to compile this book. I am also thankful to of those dailies, weeklies, periodicals and authors of the books from whom I took help and also quoted in the book
The original book was in Bengali. But later I decided to publish an English version as well for greater awareness about RAW’s nefarious activities particularly by the international community. For obvious reasons the English version is not a literal translation. Besides, some portions have been revised and updated. Hence some variance may be found by readers of the two versions.My head bows down before Almighty Allah in all humility to thank him as He gave me strength to undertake this arduous and sensitive work and enable me to present it to my readers. All glory and praise be toAllah. Errors, omissions and limitations, if any, are mine. I must frankly admit that it is not an all encompassing work. Full exposure of RAW’s machinations requires hundreds of volumes. I urge all patriotic writers and researchers to come forward and help in unveiling the ugly face of this treacherous organisation which is eating into the vitals of Bangladesh. May Allah help us
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